
(she has been in 3 national mags. High Society, Genesis, Gallery) Danny had seen the photo prior to my sending it in, but was still interested in seeing the magazine. I took him up to our bedroom where the mag was as I wanted to also show him the 2ft. X 3 ft. nude posters of her I had just hung in the bedroom, telling him to be very quiet as she might be asleep. Naturally I had hopes he might end up getting to fuck her. Since she had went to bed before Dan stopped over, she didn't know he was. "Waste seed!" Samantha had exclaimed. "Are you crazy?" She went on to mention that her sister, Amanda, had told her about a girl that had been punished for 'wasting seed' and Sam had actually shuddered at the thought, refusing to give us any details. Now I knew why.Imagine living on it. Imagine being locked in a transparent box and your only source of nourishment was a man sticking his cock through a hole so you could suck him off.At first she had resisted, but that didn't last long as. I broke our kiss as I slipped my tank top over my head. My big tits swinging back and forth as I did. Girl those tits just keep getting bigger, daddy said as his hand went to one. Daddy caressed my tit then he lowered his face and he suckled at it. Daddy sucked and he used his tongue on my nipple making it grow hard in his mouth. He sucked at it as he pulled his mouth from it stretching my nipple as he did. I moaned softly as I had forgotten how well his mouth and tongue felt on my tits. Daddy. Then she said they fucked her like that for a long time and Jesse came in her ass first and Tim came before Jesse finished. Karen then asked me which hole I wanted to put my cock in and I pulled her to me giggling and then shoved her under the covers. She took my hard cock in her warm mouth and I shot off in about a minute and she drained me dry. Then she slid up next to me smiling and said I liked her getting fucked as much as she did and she kissed me deep and long. Then we fell asleep.
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